Since 01.01.2025, freelancer and companies have been obliged to be able to receive e-invoices. But don't worry, the obligation to issue e-invoices yourself will not come until 2027 or 2028, nor is it to be expected that you will suddenly only receive e-invoices from 01.01. onwards. And if you do receive them, our apps will help you to display them and make them legible. You can view it directly in browser, read more information on e-invoices here or download one our apps:
The EPC QR code, marketed as GiroCode, Scan2Pay or Zahlen mit Code amongst others, is a QR code defined by the European Payments Council which contains all data to initiate a SEPA credit transfer.
Our EPC QR code parser is available for many platforms (JVM, Android, iOS, JavaScript) and freely available to everyone.